Winter Scents to Transition Into Your Spring Nights - Loading Potential
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Winter Scents to Transition Into Your Spring Nights

Image via: Pinterest

You smell good is by far one of our favourite compliments. Smelling good is just as important as looking good and we do this weird thing where we guess what famous celebrities may smell like. For instance, one of our editors believes Burna Boy is probably the best-smelling artist of our time… what scent would he wear? Or what would someone like Iman the model wear? With that in mind, we tend to model our fragrance choices around what we feel or who we inspire to be, “Loading Our Own Potential”.

If we want to vacation off the coast of Italy this summer, the scent needs to match the visualization stimulating multiple senses and creating a “vibe”. Thinking this way will have you reconsidering the cult favourites and leaning towards a unique fragrance collection that describes you and your aspirations. Think outside the box with our top winter to spring scents:

Atkinsons-  Oud Save The King

Description: Freshly infused Earl Grey Bergamot and Iris à la Boutonnière brightens the majestic element of Oud, which is further exalted by the plushness of Suede and an exhilarating cortège of Wood Essences.

Montale Paris-Arabians Tonka

Description: A fine blend of spiced volutes, bewitching Roses, Tonka Bean and Bergamot reveal an animal temperament of Oud, Amber, and Musk. An audacious, racy, and fiery fragrance, with an almost feminine look.

Mancera- Instant Crush

Description: The irresistible trio rose – jasmine – amber strikes again, in a rich mix of sensuality and romance. Instant Crush is a wave of elegance that mixes citrus fruits and sandalwood with irresistible vanilla and surprising ginger. A real «crush»!

Celine- Parade

Description: A musky, powdery cologne in keeping with the very codified ritual of male sartorial attribute of the great dandies from 19th-century literature right up to the musicians on the pop and rock scene since the 60s.a return to the idea of transmission and of a very french kind of perfumery. A parade under the sunlight of neroli and the radiance of bergamot, a carefree and sophisticated mix imparted by musk and oak moss, a feminine facet revealed in an addictive and powdery residual trail.

The Matcha – La Labou

Description: Introverted and deep by nature, THÉ MATCHA 26 is a skin scent, something meant for, and only those individuals lucky enough to be very close to, the wearer. It carries a noble stillness. To us, it is a scented reminder of home, welcomed solitude, and all things familiar and treasured.

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