The Best Designer Bags Under $1000 - LP Approved - Loading Potential
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The Best Designer Bags Under $1000 – LP Approved

image via: @matchesfashion

Looking good shouldn’t have to break the bank, not everyone can afford (nor wants to) splurge on a luxury handbag. We have curated our top picks to stand the test of time for the girl who wants to treat themselves to a bag in-between a highstreet and luxury price point. Look no further, see below for some of our favourites alongside some major inspo.

1. Staud Moon Bag

Price: $395

This is one of our favorites, it’s unique 70’s flare will make any outfit from bland to chic. The moon structured silhouette makes it easy to wear all year round elevating an everyday casual look. We recommend pairing this bag with a long tailored coat and boots in the fall/winter or with a mini skirt and tank in the summer. The great thing about this bag is it comes a vast array of colors.

2. Coperni Baguette Swipe Bag

Price: $845

This modern bag takes any edgy outfit to the next level. The all around silver zipper detailing, buffed leather and sculptured shape sets itself apart from competition. This bag is big enough to fit your daily essentials yet cute enough for a night out; this bag gives you the most bang for your buck.

3. EÉRA Laminated Leather Moonbag

Price: $840

This bag speaks for itself- if you know, you know. It serves as an effortless fun piece big enough to store your essentials during the day and eye catching enough to wear at night. Keep in mind the price point may vary depending on material, size and color; our top choices within their selection are anything metallic and nylon.

4. Luar Ana Top Handle Bag

Price: $335

Luar’s brand ethos is centered around affordable luxury. This late 60’s inspired silhouette completes an overall look whether it be tailored or casual. This bag is designed for the ultimate metropolitan girl who is already out and about and doesn’t have time to go home and change to paint the city red.

5. Benedetta Bruzziches Vitty La Mignon Bag

Cost: $762

I know what your thinking…there’s no denying you can get a similar alternative for much less on Amazon, however if you pay attention it’s all in the detail! The shoulder slouch Studio 54 effect can’t be replicated, the way this bag sits on your shoulder and cute side buckle makes it stand out among its counterparts making it worth every penny. This is a great night out bag, it’s chic, it’s feminine, it’s glam. Great thing is, it comes in different colors! Our top picks are pink, orange or the multicolor version.

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  • Pingback:Loading Potential | Fall/Winter 22 Coat/Jacket Guide
    Posted at 12:32h, 20 September

    […] Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all? This Cos coat is the most beautiful addition to your closet. At a great price point, it will easily become the most interchangeable item you own. Dress it up, down, with sneakers, with heels, with a gown anywhere and anytime you will reach for this stunning minimalist piece. We suggest pairing this coat with flared coloured corduroy pants, or on top of a semi-sheer skirt. Wear it opened or closed and pair with the Staud Moon Bag in red (see posted in The Best Designer Bags Under $1000 post). […]