Skin Cycling 101: The Latest Trend in Skincare - Loading Potential
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Skin Cycling 101: The Latest Trend in Skincare

Image via: @monikhdale

Skin cycling has become the hottest skin care trend thanks to Tiktok. The science behind skin cycling allows you to incorporate acids into your skincare regime without irritation- providing you with effective results. For beginners, acids may seem a bit scary but don’t be alarmed, we got you covered.

What is Skin Cycling?

Coined by renowned dermatologist Dr. Whitney Bowe, skin cycling is a 4 night cycle routine with each day focusing on a particular step after the skin is cleansed and pat dry. Night 1 is dedicated to exfoliation (more specifically a leave-on acid), night 2 is dedicated to retinoids (sealing retinoid with a moisturizer of course), nights 3 and 4 are dedicated to recovery. See our full list of skin cycling recommendations below.


Skin cycling for beginners: how to get started. And how to layer with Bowe Glowe #skincycling #thatboweglow #dermatologist #skintok

♬ original sound – Dr. Whitney Bowe

Skin Cycling Starter Kit: Cleanser and Moisturizer

We recommend massaging your cleanser in for a total of 60 seconds, rinse and air dry before moving on to the next step. Here are our cleanser and moisturizer recommendations:

Night 1: Exfoliation

Ditch grainy exfoliants and replace them with actives, we recommend using a lactic acid, AHA or BHA.

Night 2: Retinoid

Retinoids with higher percentages are prescribed by a doctor, we advise you to consult with your dermatologist for more information. These are some of our favourite over the counter recommendations that work wonders.

Nights 3 & 4: Recovery

Recovery is dedicated to protecting and nourishing your skins barrier by locking in moisture. We suggest using a product that contains niacinamide, ceramide and/or glycerin to lock in that extra moisture.

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