Pyjama Edit: Luxe Sleepwear Brands Better Suited To Wear Out - Loading Potential
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Pyjama Edit: Luxe Sleepwear Brands Better Suited To Wear Out

image via: @ascenolondon


Caro Editions

Stripped Jersey Shirt: $109EU
Stripped jersey Pant: $117 EU

Caro Editions is a contemporary luxury brand based in Copenhagen known for their quirky take on every day basics with an added twist making their garments playful yet wearable. This is a brand Carrie Brandshaw would love.

The Brand’s Muse: Caroline Bille Brahe


For. Restless. Sleepers.

Asia: $999 (EU)

This brand is uncomfortably expensive, but the brand truly is a work of art. F.R.S is a Milan based brand specializing in producing atelier level craftsmanship. F.R.S sets themselves a part from their peers from their exclusive fabrics and whimsical textiles.

The Brand’s Muse: Denise Boule



Green Athens Robe: $960 $432

This brand may be known for their ready-to-wear but their foundation is built on heritage sleepwear specializing in nightwear. Asceno only uses 100% natural and responsibly sourced fabrics. The brand is known for their relaxed, yet elegant fit living up to their name Asceno which means “easy shapes that move easily with the body” . Asceno designs are guaranteed to stand the test of time literally and figuratively as it relates to wearability and sustainability.

The Brand’s Muse: Sade, Zoe Kravitz, Lauren Hutton, Amber Valletta


Olivia Von Halle

Lila Fortune Silk Set: $845

Olivia Von Halle is a London designer who spent her career as a brand consultant trend forcasting for some of the biggest names in the Industry. In 2011, she launched her namesake label Oliva Von Halle specializing in manufacturing luxury silk nightwear.

The Brand’s Muse: Coco Chanel and her contemporaries

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