Escape Italy's Shadow: 5 Mind-Blowing International Havens That'll Blow Your Mind! - Loading Potential
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Escape Italy’s Shadow: 5 Mind-Blowing International Havens That’ll Blow Your Mind!

Image via: Pinterest

If you haven’t dreamed of Italian summers, you’re lying! We have all marvelled at the beauty of Italy and can possibly all agree that we fantasized about having fresh pasta while overlooking houses perched over the cliffs along the Amalfi Coast, Province of Salerno, Italy. This romantic destination has been on our travel wish list for some time, and to be honest, our poor planning has really been the only reason it has not come to fruition as of yet.

Summer in Europe has always been a vibe, but as of late, Italy has become quite a cult for the hot Instagram girlies. Wearing a long gown for lunch, drinking cappuccinos only in the morning, and stuffing our faces with dishes from arguably the world’s food haven may be really difficult to achieve if you don’t book and plan your trip a year in advance.

In light of this sad news, we want our Loading Potential familia to have their summer in Europe, even if it’s not the wishlist Italian vacation. Here is a list of other destinations that offer the same charm and beauty as Italy, without the crowds of tourists.


Malta is a small island nation in the Mediterranean Sea. It offers stunning coastal scenery, crystal-clear waters, and historic architecture. Malta boasts some of the world’s oldest standing structures known as the megalithic temples. These awe-inspiring temples were built by the ancient Maltese people, who were among the first settlers in Europe. The island is also known for its delicious cuisine: seafood, pastizzi, and rabbit stew!

If you want pictures in front of some of the world’s most breathtaking structures, this is the place to go. You cultural and history buffs will appreciate the country’s unique history and definitely get all the European feels.

Dubrovnik, Croatia

Dubrovnik is a city on the Adriatic Sea, known for its beautiful beaches, historic old town, and stunning architecture. It’s often compared to Italy’s Amalfi Coast for its beauty and charm. The city’s walls offer panoramic views of the sea, and the narrow streets of the old town are filled with shops and restaurants.

If your dream is to have a beverage of choice overlooking water, this is the place to go. The yachting culture in Croatia is slowly growing, and you definitely want to cross this destination off your list before it becomes extremely mainstream.

San Miguel de Allende, Mexico

San Miguel de Allende is a colonial town located in central Mexico. It’s known for its beautiful Spanish architecture, colorful buildings, and cobblestone streets. The town has a lively arts scene and is home to many galleries and studios. The food in San Miguel de Allende is also a highlight, with traditional Mexican cuisine and many international options.

Mexico is always a fan favourite of ours, mainly because of its proximity to Canada. You can pop in and out for 4 days and get all the feels that you’re transported somewhere completely different. San Miguel de Allende is unique for its Spanish feel, which makes you feel like you’re in Europe without travelling far when your on this part of town (Canada).

Lisbon, Portugal

Lisbon is the capital city of Portugal and is often called the “City of Seven Hills” due to its many steep inclines. The city is known for its historic architecture, including the Belem Tower and the Jeronimos Monastery. The food in Lisbon is a highlight, with fresh seafood, pastries, and the famous custard tarts called pastel de nata.

Portugal’s travel and tourism ministry needs a raise! From festivals to conferences and just overall vibes, Portugal seems to be at the top of everyone’s list these days, and for good reason. The prices are budget-friendly while still getting all the European galore. Whether you go for a festival or an impromptu trip, the beauty of this country and delicious food easily attract us without breaking the bank. You really get a bang for your buck here.

Kotor, Montenegro

Kotor is a small coastal town located on the Bay of Kotor in Montenegro. The town is known for its medieval architecture, winding streets, and beautiful views of the bay. The town’s walls offer stunning views of the surrounding mountains and sea, and the nearby Lovćen National Park offers hiking trails and scenic drives.

Kotor is just beautiful, and admittedly, we’ve never heard of it before conducting research for this article. This tiny island is sure to make you feel like you’re in another world, quite literally. Grab your girls, rent a yacht, and live your best life. Or rent a drop-top and drive around the island and enjoy the stunning scenery.

In conclusion, while Italy is a beautiful and popular travel destination, there are other destinations that offer the same charm and beauty. These five destinations offer unique experiences, delicious cuisine, and stunning architecture that will make you feel like you’re in Italy, but with a unique twist.

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