Close to 50% of Millennial’s are Concerned with Their Sleep, Here’s Why

Image via: Pinterest Utilizing a quick google search, we wanted to learn what topics are millennial’s most concerned with in attempt to understanding purchasing trends and identifying needs that can be serviced. To our surprise, the results were a lot more somber than anticipated. A research study conducted in the U.S with women aged 25-35 found that millennial women in this age group are most concerned with stress, mental health and sleep. While all three topics are quite serious in their own right, we understand that these critical topics are not mutually exclusive. In the next coming weeks, we will break down the following topics during our Wellness Wednesday posts on Instagram and we wanted to start off with addressing your sleep. Ensuring you are getting good sleep can help you in many ways which include but are not limited to; boosting your mood, providing you with good energy and can help prevent future health problems. Women are more likely to be affected by insomnia based on the different hormonal cycles through their life. These cycles include, during your menstrual cycles, pregnancy and menopause. Did you know women require more sleep than men?  To support good hormonal health and to ensure your adrenals are in full swing to support you through your busy life, it is recommended women sleep a whopping 8-10 hours in comparison to their male counterparts who can get away with 6 hours per day (add research study). Unfortunately, fewer than two thirds of women are getting anywhere near the recommended amount of sleep. Getting good quality sleep is vital in preventive minor health complications but also serious health issues which can have life long. To support you in your health journey your quality of sleep is something that should be at the top of 2023 mood board and we curated a list of LP Editor-approved products to ensure you are getting those required hours of sleep.